Contributed Oral Presentation Guidelines
Presentation specifications
The contributed presentation must be prepared and delivered in English using Microsoft PowerPoint format.
Before the presentation
Please submit your presentation file to the Speaker Help Desk at the Registration Counter (Lobby, the Kerry Hotel) at least one day before your scheduled presentation session.
- The duty hours of the Speaker Help Desk are as follows:
15th Sept 2023 (Fri)08:30 - 20:00
16th Sept 2023 (Sat)08:30 - 20:00
17th Sept 2023 (Sun)08:30 - 14:00
18th Sept 2023 (Mon)08:30 - 18:30
19th Sept 2023 (Tue)08:30 - 18:30
20th Sept 2023 (Wed)08:30 - 18:30
21st Sept 2023 (Thu)08:30 - 18:00
22nd Sept 2023 (Fri)08:30 - 18:00
During the presentation
The time allowed for the contributed presentations is 20 minutes, which includes 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for question-and-answer (Q&A). The Session Chair will provide reminders at 15 minutes and 18 minutes to help you wrap up your presentation.
Poster Presentation Guidelines
Poster Specifications
- The poster should be in portrait orientation.
- The maximum dimensions of the poster allowed are ISO A0 size (width: 841 mm x height: 1189 mm).
- Your poster must include (a) title; (b) author list; and (c) contact information.
At the conference
- The Poster Session will be held in the Grand Ballroom 1 & 2 of the Kerry Hotel.
- A display board will be provided with the poster number placed on the top of the board. Adhesive Velcro (hook-and-loop fasteners) will be provided onsite for poster mounting. Push pins and stables are not allowed. Poster presenters are responsible to mount and dismount their posters on the display board by themselves.
- Posters will be displayed throughout the whole conference from Monday 18 September 2023 to Friday 22 September 2023.
- Presenter may put up their posters starting from 10:00 on Monday 18 September 2023.
- Presenting authors should be available to present their posters during the Poster Session in the afternoon (13:25 – 15:00) of Wednesday 20 September 2023.
- All posters must be dismantled before 13:30 on Friday 22 September 2023. Any poster not removed by that time will be disposed without further notice.